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NTES - National Train Enquiry System

What is NTES?

National Train Enquiry System (NTES) provides all the necessary details about the status of the running train such as the exact location of the train, schedule of the train, time of expected arrival of the train, departure time of train at every stopping station, status of delayed train, cancelled trains, diverted trains, and even the platform number at which the train arrives. In short, you don't have to be in the blind regarding the status of your train anymore. You can easily spot your train with the help of NTES.

Although Indian Railways makes efforts to run trains on schedule, sometimes trains get delayed, diverted, cancelled for numerous reasons. So in order to help the travelers know the status of their trains, Indian Railways set up the NTES. The most important goal of NTES is to provide all the required information to the public regarding the status of their trains.

How to check live status of a train?

You don't have to be a tech savvy to use NTES, for it is designed in such a way that anyone can use it without any hassles. Follow the steps below.

  1. Go to or You can check live train status on our site as well

  2. Click on 'Spot Your Train'

  3. Enter your train number
  4. Select the Train Station
  5. Select the date
  6. Click on 'Show Status'

That's all. You can now see the status of your running train. You can know its schedule, arrival-departure time, delay time (if it's delayed), stopping station, and the platform number.

Is there a mobile app for NTES?

That's all. You can now see the status of your running train. You can know its schedule, arrival-departure time, delay time (if it's delayed), stopping station, and the platform number.



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